Monday, March 23, 2009

More easy ways to cut calories

At Happy Hour-
Sip a glass of water between drinks- pacing yourself can help you cut back by a glass or more.
Ordering a cocktail? Make it on the rocks instead of frozen. Slushy fruit drinks tend to be mad with bottled mixers that contain added sugar and syrups.
Nurse a single glass of wine instead of downing two beers.
For automatic portion control, sip wine from a Champagne flute, not an over sized goblet.
Mix your vodka with Red Bull Sugar free, not cranberry juice.
Blending your own? Have a daiquiri, not pina colada.

At the Drive-Thru
Go for grill marks. Order a flame-broiled chicken sandwich rather than one that's breaded ( and usually fried in oil)
Pass up a Wendy's baked potato with sour cream and chives and chow down on value fries instead. Amazing but true
Skip the two packets of BBQ sauce and eat your burger and fries plain.
Treat yourself to an ice cream cone at McDonalds instead of Dairy Queen.
Downsize your drink: Trade a large fountain soda for a medium.

During Dessert
Stop eating when you hit the crust. The edges and bottoms of baked goods are especially caloric because they absorb the butter used to grease the pan.
Fill your bowl with sorbet instead of ice cream.
Can the cone. Have your ice cream in a bowl.
Go ahead and have that piece of birthday cake- just scrap off the frosting first.
Next time a cocoa craving hits, ditch the dish of chocolate ice cream for a fudgsicle.

1 comment:

  1. A lot of good information. I had no idea about some of these foods and drinks with the extra calories. Also it does get hard to eat a burger and fries plain, but it is worth it to cut back on calories.
