Thursday, February 19, 2009

Driving, smoking: no-go with minor in car

You can run but you can't drive!

The state representative from Dalton Massachusetts filed a bill that would make smoking in a car with a minor present an illegal, fineable offence. Childhood asthma rates are increasing every year and second hand smoke tributes to that problem. Personally I know many people that smoke in their houses, in front of their children and it makes me sick, I just don't understand how people can be so stupid; their killing their children slowly whether they think they are or not.
According to the Smoking in Cars Bill, officers will now be required to ask each passenger their age if the driver is suspected to have violated the no-smoking law. The fine would be at least $ 100, the bill states, and would be increased at $100 increments for each minor inside the vehicle. The bill which will be voted upon this year, follows similar laws that have been passed in California, Maine, and Louisiana. According to research performed by the Harvard School of Public Health, second hand smoke in cars can be up to three times the exposure from sitting in a bar or restaurant, and 10 times the health risk of second-hand smoke in a home. I'm for this law to be passed 100% and believe people need to use their brains and think about the health of our future generations. So if any of you happen to be voting on this law, please vote yes for the sake of the future.

The Berkshire Eagle
By David Pepose
February 7, 2009


  1. I am really excited to hear about this bill. I grew up riding in the car with my grandparents as a child and became so disgusted with cigarette smoke that I cannot be around it at all nowadays. As an adult I am obsessively annoyed with cigarettes and there smell and am proud to say I have never had one.

  2. I am also there with you 100% on passing this bill. If parents and other adult want what’s best for their children and their future they need to make sure second hand smoke is not a contributing factor to the health problems in their future. If this bill does get voted on this year I till definitely be voting yes on it :)

  3. I think its great that they are bringing an issue like this to their attention. Its one thing if you choose to smoke yourself but its another thing if you are affecting others by doing it. I think its terrible that people find the need to smoke indoors when its so easy to just step outside. Even at college parties people will smoke in the basements and they dont even realize how it effects the non smokers at the party. It literally makes me sick to my stomach because you feel like your being contaminated with smoke. If they truely enforce a law like this it could have a positive effects one peoples health. Now that we know more about smoking there should be certain restrictions and limitations as to where people are allowed to smoke. This was a great blog! :)

  4. I would vote yes on this bill also. Second hand smoke is so unhealthy for our youth. I don't know how parents could allow there children to breath in all the toxins when they smoke. This would help educate and make people understand the health consquences of second hand smoke.

  5. this bill is definitly something i would vote yes on. a child cannot do anything about parents or guardian choices and in the end: its abuse to the childs body. yes.
