Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The new secret to Heart Health!

Treating heart disease can be easier than people think. In fact, the latest research from top docs in the field suggests that you look to you kitchen, rather than your medicine cabinet, if you're trying to prevent heart disease- the number one filler of women in the United States. Incorporating the eight foods below into your diet on a regular basis as you focus on boosting your health and lowering your weight in the coming year.

Strawberries- Data from the Women's Health Study show that the CRP levels of people who ate two 1/2-cups servings of strawberries a week were 14 percent lower than those of people who consumed no strawberries at all.

Almonds- These nuts are rich in heart-smart antioxidants. In a University of Toronto study, people who ate 2 oz. (about 2 handfuls) of almonds a day drove down their low- density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad" cholesterol) by more than 9 percent.

Cherries- The antioxidants in cherries may lower levels of C- reactive protein (CRP) a marker for inflammation in blood vessels, which may contribute to heart disease. In one study, people who ate 2 cups of Bung cherries daily for 1 month lowered their CRP levels.

Salmon- It's packed with omega- 3 fatty acids, which keep blood running smoothly and prevernt clotting. Havard researchers linked omega-3s to a 36 percent reduction in the incidence of sudden death from heart attack.

Oats- Oat fiber acts like a sponge, attaching to chlesterol- based acids in the digestive tract and removing them from the body.

Dark Chocolate- It contains powerful antioxidants called flavanols, which may boost levels of nitric oxide, a chemical in your bloodthat can help arteries relax.

Pomegranate- One study found that people who drank the juice improved blood flow to their heart by about 20 percent, thanks to potent substances called polyphenols.

Green tea- In one study subjects' arteries expanded by almost 4 percent 30 minute after sipping green tea. Better blood flow and a healthier heart. Tea contains polyphenols, which appear to strengthen cells that help keep arteries clear.

Weight Watchers. January/February 2009
by Beth Howard

1 comment:

  1. What's good about antioxidants is that they're found in all delicious foods! With such a variety it's easy to add them to almost every meal and/or snack, so there's definetly many ways to get them in your body (and no excuse to not eat more dark chocolate!)!
