Thursday, April 16, 2009

Male Birth Control?

I know there is a lot of girls out there that are sick of remembering to take the pill everyday, and now we have something to look forward to; Male Birth control. European pharmaceutical companies have already created a chemical that suppresses the hormone responsible from sperm production. When frisky males rats were given the drug, they started shooting blanks; when they stopped nibbling their contraceptive-laced cheese,sperm production came back.

More good news for those men out there!

EU researchers have developed a kind of temporary vasectomy. Instead of snipping the tubes that carry the sperm to the penis, a doctor implants a clip that pinches them shut. " Think of it as a IUD for men" says Manny Alvarez M.D., aduct professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the New York University School of Medicine.
-Its currently in human trials to make sure sperm flow returns after the clip is removed.

- Colleen Oakley, Womens Health, 2008

Breathe through your nose!

" When you inhale and exhale through your mouth, as most of us often do, your breathing gets shallow. You brain interprets that as a sign of anxiety and pumps out the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline, which have been linked to everything from weight gain to cancer to heart disease. But when you breathe through your nose, the opposite happens- stress levels measurably drop. Plus you get more oxygen in your blood, which gives you more energy and helps your whole body function better.

- Ob-gyn Christiane Northrup, M.D
an author of Women's Bodies, Women's wisdom

Friday, April 3, 2009

Fuel Your Body; Part 2

Most girls like to take care of their bodies, here are some tips for the most important parts of the body for a girl.

Your Gut: Dried plums, aka Prunes:
These high- fiber fruits help keep your gastric system working like a finely tuned machine. They may shrink your stomach too. A study in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that among 72,000 women surveyed, those who got more fiber were less likely to suffer from weight gain.

Your Breasts:
Broccoli sprouts:
Sulforaphane, found in baby broccoli, fires up enzymes that may stop breast-cancer cells from growing. A one-ounce serving contains 73 milligrams of the naturally occurring precursor of sulforaphane.

Your Girl Parts: Blueberries
Scientists now believe that blueberries battle urinary tract infections.

Your Lips: Walnuts
to get most, beautiful, chap free lips, your body needs to constantly replace old ski cells with new ones. "Omega-3 fats help regulate this turnover so that it happens all the time" Fusco says.

Fuel Your Body!

There are many foods that will keep your immune system strong, your skin soft and your energy levels skyrocketing. Here are some great tips you may enjoy.

Your Hair: Low fat cottage cheese
Hair is almost all protein, so attaining a strong, vibrant mane starts with eating enough of it. Reduced- fat cottage cheese is a protein heavyweight, with 14 grams in half a cup.

Your Brain: Arctic char
This cold-water fish is a great source of the omega-3-fats DHA and EPA, which can improve brain function and ward off the blues, says Elizabeth Somer, R.D.

Your Nose: Sunflower seeds
Hay fever affects more than 40 million Americans, according to the National Institutes of Health. Halt the drip with vitamin E. With 49 percent of your daily vitamin E needs in an ounce, these seeds are a great thing to eat.

Your Skin: Tomatoes
The fruit is especially beneficial when cooked- more of the carotenoid lycopene makes it into the skin. where it can limit UV damage to lower skin- cancer risk and hold off wrinkles.

-Matthew G. Kadey. M.S.,R.D.