Thursday, April 16, 2009

Male Birth Control?

I know there is a lot of girls out there that are sick of remembering to take the pill everyday, and now we have something to look forward to; Male Birth control. European pharmaceutical companies have already created a chemical that suppresses the hormone responsible from sperm production. When frisky males rats were given the drug, they started shooting blanks; when they stopped nibbling their contraceptive-laced cheese,sperm production came back.

More good news for those men out there!

EU researchers have developed a kind of temporary vasectomy. Instead of snipping the tubes that carry the sperm to the penis, a doctor implants a clip that pinches them shut. " Think of it as a IUD for men" says Manny Alvarez M.D., aduct professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the New York University School of Medicine.
-Its currently in human trials to make sure sperm flow returns after the clip is removed.

- Colleen Oakley, Womens Health, 2008


  1. Although this sounds like it will bring relief to plenty of women, I am interested in all the science associated with it. I do not know how different rats are from us on a genetic level and I hope there are not to many side effects. But that is why we have research, i guess.

  2. This clearly would be nice for a lot of women out there but the whole idea of guys having to remember to take a pill everyday is not likely. I believe that it will be a long time before we see this being used.

  3. It is a very interesting topic and taking the pill for men might not be out of the question. I just feel that putting a clip on the tubes however as good as it may be just makes me feel on easy.
