Friday, April 3, 2009

Fuel Your Body; Part 2

Most girls like to take care of their bodies, here are some tips for the most important parts of the body for a girl.

Your Gut: Dried plums, aka Prunes:
These high- fiber fruits help keep your gastric system working like a finely tuned machine. They may shrink your stomach too. A study in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that among 72,000 women surveyed, those who got more fiber were less likely to suffer from weight gain.

Your Breasts:
Broccoli sprouts:
Sulforaphane, found in baby broccoli, fires up enzymes that may stop breast-cancer cells from growing. A one-ounce serving contains 73 milligrams of the naturally occurring precursor of sulforaphane.

Your Girl Parts: Blueberries
Scientists now believe that blueberries battle urinary tract infections.

Your Lips: Walnuts
to get most, beautiful, chap free lips, your body needs to constantly replace old ski cells with new ones. "Omega-3 fats help regulate this turnover so that it happens all the time" Fusco says.


  1. Well this doesn't really help me out so much but I sure will feed my girlfriend some of these things. I mean why not give her some broccoli sprouts.

  2. Hey this is a very good information, now i can get these in practice because i want to have a good health and body. Thanks. Good post.
