Thursday, April 16, 2009

Male Birth Control?

I know there is a lot of girls out there that are sick of remembering to take the pill everyday, and now we have something to look forward to; Male Birth control. European pharmaceutical companies have already created a chemical that suppresses the hormone responsible from sperm production. When frisky males rats were given the drug, they started shooting blanks; when they stopped nibbling their contraceptive-laced cheese,sperm production came back.

More good news for those men out there!

EU researchers have developed a kind of temporary vasectomy. Instead of snipping the tubes that carry the sperm to the penis, a doctor implants a clip that pinches them shut. " Think of it as a IUD for men" says Manny Alvarez M.D., aduct professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the New York University School of Medicine.
-Its currently in human trials to make sure sperm flow returns after the clip is removed.

- Colleen Oakley, Womens Health, 2008

Breathe through your nose!

" When you inhale and exhale through your mouth, as most of us often do, your breathing gets shallow. You brain interprets that as a sign of anxiety and pumps out the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline, which have been linked to everything from weight gain to cancer to heart disease. But when you breathe through your nose, the opposite happens- stress levels measurably drop. Plus you get more oxygen in your blood, which gives you more energy and helps your whole body function better.

- Ob-gyn Christiane Northrup, M.D
an author of Women's Bodies, Women's wisdom

Friday, April 3, 2009

Fuel Your Body; Part 2

Most girls like to take care of their bodies, here are some tips for the most important parts of the body for a girl.

Your Gut: Dried plums, aka Prunes:
These high- fiber fruits help keep your gastric system working like a finely tuned machine. They may shrink your stomach too. A study in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that among 72,000 women surveyed, those who got more fiber were less likely to suffer from weight gain.

Your Breasts:
Broccoli sprouts:
Sulforaphane, found in baby broccoli, fires up enzymes that may stop breast-cancer cells from growing. A one-ounce serving contains 73 milligrams of the naturally occurring precursor of sulforaphane.

Your Girl Parts: Blueberries
Scientists now believe that blueberries battle urinary tract infections.

Your Lips: Walnuts
to get most, beautiful, chap free lips, your body needs to constantly replace old ski cells with new ones. "Omega-3 fats help regulate this turnover so that it happens all the time" Fusco says.

Fuel Your Body!

There are many foods that will keep your immune system strong, your skin soft and your energy levels skyrocketing. Here are some great tips you may enjoy.

Your Hair: Low fat cottage cheese
Hair is almost all protein, so attaining a strong, vibrant mane starts with eating enough of it. Reduced- fat cottage cheese is a protein heavyweight, with 14 grams in half a cup.

Your Brain: Arctic char
This cold-water fish is a great source of the omega-3-fats DHA and EPA, which can improve brain function and ward off the blues, says Elizabeth Somer, R.D.

Your Nose: Sunflower seeds
Hay fever affects more than 40 million Americans, according to the National Institutes of Health. Halt the drip with vitamin E. With 49 percent of your daily vitamin E needs in an ounce, these seeds are a great thing to eat.

Your Skin: Tomatoes
The fruit is especially beneficial when cooked- more of the carotenoid lycopene makes it into the skin. where it can limit UV damage to lower skin- cancer risk and hold off wrinkles.

-Matthew G. Kadey. M.S.,R.D.

Monday, March 23, 2009

More easy ways to cut calories

At Happy Hour-
Sip a glass of water between drinks- pacing yourself can help you cut back by a glass or more.
Ordering a cocktail? Make it on the rocks instead of frozen. Slushy fruit drinks tend to be mad with bottled mixers that contain added sugar and syrups.
Nurse a single glass of wine instead of downing two beers.
For automatic portion control, sip wine from a Champagne flute, not an over sized goblet.
Mix your vodka with Red Bull Sugar free, not cranberry juice.
Blending your own? Have a daiquiri, not pina colada.

At the Drive-Thru
Go for grill marks. Order a flame-broiled chicken sandwich rather than one that's breaded ( and usually fried in oil)
Pass up a Wendy's baked potato with sour cream and chives and chow down on value fries instead. Amazing but true
Skip the two packets of BBQ sauce and eat your burger and fries plain.
Treat yourself to an ice cream cone at McDonalds instead of Dairy Queen.
Downsize your drink: Trade a large fountain soda for a medium.

During Dessert
Stop eating when you hit the crust. The edges and bottoms of baked goods are especially caloric because they absorb the butter used to grease the pan.
Fill your bowl with sorbet instead of ice cream.
Can the cone. Have your ice cream in a bowl.
Go ahead and have that piece of birthday cake- just scrap off the frosting first.
Next time a cocoa craving hits, ditch the dish of chocolate ice cream for a fudgsicle.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Some easy ways to cut calories

At Breakfast-
Ditch the Pop-Tart for a slice of high fiber toast with strawberry jam.
Need carbs? split a bagel with someone.
Drink you two cups of coffee black, or order a single espresso instead of your usual latte.
Swap OJ for the real deal- one fresh orange.
Trade a side of regular sausage for turkey.

At Lunch-
Cover your bread with mustard rather than mayo and save 80 calories per tablespoon.
Pass up the croutons at the salad bar.
Make your burger turkey not meat.
Slurp minestrone soup instead of cream of anything.
Go Bunless- shed your hamburger roll.
Leave the Swiss cheese out of your sandwich.

In the Kitchen-
Next time you make meatballs,meatloaf,or burgers, go half-and-half with ground beef and turkey.
Use chicken broth ( low sodium is best) instead of oil to saute meat and veggies.
When preparing packaged foods that call for butter and oil, like rice and stuffing, use broth instead.
Swap low-fat cottage cheese for whole-milk ricotta when you make lasagna or stuffed shells.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

3 fortifying foods

1. Eat Bright, Eat Right.
The best way to get selenium and zinc, the antioxidants you need to wipe out disease- causing free radicals, is to eat to eat six to eight servings per day of colorful fruits ( apples, oranges, and berries) and vegetables ( like carrots, spinach and broccoli) says Michelle Babb of the Bastyr Center for Natural Health in Seattle. As a rule of thumb, one serving is 1/2 cup of chopped fruit or veggies or one medium-sized piece of fruit.

2. Go with Garlic
Flush out potentially dangerous microbes with one or two cloves of garlic a day, says Alschuler, N.D. Or, take an aged garlic extract supplement such as Kyolic, which contains all the allicin and other antimicrobial compounds found in the real thing, minus the odor.

3. Drink Tea.
Research suggests that L-theanine, found in black,green, oolong and pekoe teas, may enhance the disease- fighting capabilities of the immune system's T cells, allowing them to defend better against invading bacteria. Drink two to four cups of tea per day for a potent brew of amino acids and antioxidants. In addition, tea's dietary phenols also inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the gut.

Your best Health By Susan Hayes: Natural Health

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Driving, smoking: no-go with minor in car

You can run but you can't drive!

The state representative from Dalton Massachusetts filed a bill that would make smoking in a car with a minor present an illegal, fineable offence. Childhood asthma rates are increasing every year and second hand smoke tributes to that problem. Personally I know many people that smoke in their houses, in front of their children and it makes me sick, I just don't understand how people can be so stupid; their killing their children slowly whether they think they are or not.
According to the Smoking in Cars Bill, officers will now be required to ask each passenger their age if the driver is suspected to have violated the no-smoking law. The fine would be at least $ 100, the bill states, and would be increased at $100 increments for each minor inside the vehicle. The bill which will be voted upon this year, follows similar laws that have been passed in California, Maine, and Louisiana. According to research performed by the Harvard School of Public Health, second hand smoke in cars can be up to three times the exposure from sitting in a bar or restaurant, and 10 times the health risk of second-hand smoke in a home. I'm for this law to be passed 100% and believe people need to use their brains and think about the health of our future generations. So if any of you happen to be voting on this law, please vote yes for the sake of the future.

The Berkshire Eagle
By David Pepose
February 7, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The new secret to Heart Health!

Treating heart disease can be easier than people think. In fact, the latest research from top docs in the field suggests that you look to you kitchen, rather than your medicine cabinet, if you're trying to prevent heart disease- the number one filler of women in the United States. Incorporating the eight foods below into your diet on a regular basis as you focus on boosting your health and lowering your weight in the coming year.

Strawberries- Data from the Women's Health Study show that the CRP levels of people who ate two 1/2-cups servings of strawberries a week were 14 percent lower than those of people who consumed no strawberries at all.

Almonds- These nuts are rich in heart-smart antioxidants. In a University of Toronto study, people who ate 2 oz. (about 2 handfuls) of almonds a day drove down their low- density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad" cholesterol) by more than 9 percent.

Cherries- The antioxidants in cherries may lower levels of C- reactive protein (CRP) a marker for inflammation in blood vessels, which may contribute to heart disease. In one study, people who ate 2 cups of Bung cherries daily for 1 month lowered their CRP levels.

Salmon- It's packed with omega- 3 fatty acids, which keep blood running smoothly and prevernt clotting. Havard researchers linked omega-3s to a 36 percent reduction in the incidence of sudden death from heart attack.

Oats- Oat fiber acts like a sponge, attaching to chlesterol- based acids in the digestive tract and removing them from the body.

Dark Chocolate- It contains powerful antioxidants called flavanols, which may boost levels of nitric oxide, a chemical in your bloodthat can help arteries relax.

Pomegranate- One study found that people who drank the juice improved blood flow to their heart by about 20 percent, thanks to potent substances called polyphenols.

Green tea- In one study subjects' arteries expanded by almost 4 percent 30 minute after sipping green tea. Better blood flow and a healthier heart. Tea contains polyphenols, which appear to strengthen cells that help keep arteries clear.

Weight Watchers. January/February 2009
by Beth Howard

Thursday, February 5, 2009

what makes a great diet?

Being on a diet doesn't mean you have to cut your calorie intake or stop eating carbs, the right portion sizes and foods will make a great diet. Some people have no idea how much of each food group should be consumed everyday so I will give a quick explanation to help people out. This pie chart is a neat way to show people how to divide up their food intake. It is said that 45-65% of your dietary intake should be carbohydrates, 10-35% should be protein and 20-35% should be fat, but no more than 10% should be saturated fat.

Complex carbohydrates should be the principal source of calories in your diet, it is a great source of energy. An example of complex carbs are bread, pasta and rice. The bad carbs that promote fat deposition are simple carbs, that are found in candy and soda.

Fruit and vegetables are essential for good health. They are a valuable source of dietary fiber and ,are packed with vitamins and minerals. Eating at least five fruits and vegetables a day is recommended but for optimal health make it nine.

Protein is the basic building block for the body and is formed from 20 different amino acids. ( building blocks that make up protein) Certain foods, called complete proteins, contain all of the essential amino acids, along with most of the others. Examples of complete proteins are meat, dairy products, and fish. Incomplete proteins are beans, nuts and rice, which contains some but not all 9 essential amino acids.

Fat is an essential nutrient and is an important energy source. Humans need fat in their diet because fats are carriers of vitamins A,D,E, and K. Fats have twice the calories per gram as carbohydrates. Saturated fats (unhealthy fat) usually come from animal sources and unsaturated fats (healthy fat) come primarily from vegetable sources.

-Concepts of Physical Fitness, fourteenth edition, Chapter 14.